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12th May - Virtual Taddy 10K Day

Today sees the 2nd virtual race in the Summer League Series. Your challenge today is run 10K. You can confirm in the usual way by posting on the latest coast to coast challenge FB post or just email me. All entries will be added to Elliot's pot or pan of choice and then we will no doubt see video footage of the draw posted tomorrow. Well done to Elliot and Sophie for providing the high tech kit that allows us to put such events on for you wonderful runners.

Back to the coast to coast challenge. I'm adopting no impartiality here and it gives me immense pleasure to state that Team Minster Inn absolutely wiped the floor with Team Pocket to Socket yesterday. It continues to be a marathon not a sprint so my joy is slightly tempered by the fact that Mini Inn continue to lag behind their rivals by 126 miles.

So what happened yesterday? Mini Inn delivered some big numbers from the likes of DGB, Di, Chris B, Carl and Si P. P2S didn't. Simple as that. I choked on my shreddies for the second time in the last week as I scrolled down and saw P2S' ultra runner Dee had delivered a mile. I fear big numbers from that lady so when I see a mile I think game on again. Big shout out to Dee though, loving your daily photos of the wildlife you're spotting out on the course.

The other highlight of the day was Di sharing her Strava post. Delighted to see the local youths passing comment on your physique didn't throw you off your stride. I'd love to see them keeping pace with you over 10 miles. Keep them coming Di.

P2S clocked 64 miles yesterday and have made it to Louisiana's state capital, Baton Rouge. That's the lowest daily mileage they've managed throughout this challenge so I hope their team leaders weren't out beating them with a red stick last night. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your night in the Shades Motel, what with its free wifi and jacuzzi room plus, wait for it, a full kitchen. WTF does a half empty kitchen look like? A table and chairs and nothing else? Check out the Trip Advisor ratings and see what the guests made of the full kitchen plus other facilities.

Back down the road, Mini Inn are in Alexandria after clocking up 101 miles in the day. Reports have yet to reach us as regards the quality of their overnight accommodation. I simply cannot wait to find out if they found themselves a full kitchen as well.

The overall scores on the doors are P2S 1947 miles in total and Mini Inn 1821. New Orleans is 150 miles away from Baton Rouge so a good day out on the 10K challenge and you will be there tonight.

I'm loving the daily emails and FB posts that come through. One or two have asked how much time this takes each day. My view is don't worry about that, I'm loving it. Logging the miles and writing the reports provides a bit of light relief from the work related challenges that have consumed me over the last few days. You're managing my mental health perfectly everyone so keep it up.

To finish, we have another birthday today so Happy Birthday to Chris Guest. Have a great day mate and hope you get chance to post some mileage, although not too many since you're on the other team...

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