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Coach’s Corner

With Weds evening just round the corner, here’s the news you’ve been waiting for from Coach Whitby:

Training this week will start at the Minster Inn at 18:30. The session will consist of:

Series of dynamic and progressive stretches

Core session – this week will be either run based exercises for core stability and strength or a speed endurance session. There will also be options available for newer runners to help start injecting a little pace into training. So – something for everyone to enjoy!

Cool down/static stretches of 10-12 seconds to untangle those gnarly muscle fibres.

Post run recovery – High protein choc shake is recommended although I appreciate that a pint and a pizza may take precedence.

Remember: You must expect great things from yourself, before you can do them!

I have also included a free gift this week (Simon not Mark!) taken from a blog I read. The writer is Russell Bentley who has won the Snowdonia Marathon twice in the last three years. His words show that even the elites have an off day but still find a way to make each session valuable.

On Tuesday nights, for the past 2 years, I have been trying to build a squad of athletes to train with. Sometimes 1 person comes, sometimes 20. I try and instil in them some of the training techniques I learnt from Bro Colm in Kenya. Training in single file, very methodical, never racing etc. If someone is stuggling in our squad, I will always suggest they skip a rep, or shorten it, rather than just fall off the back, lose control and risk injury.

This Tuesday, for the first time, I'm the one falling off the back. I can't keep with up with our group of 5 strong runners. So I jump in with the next group. They are struggling to reach their goal pace (the track is icy), so I help to pull them back on target. Rather than get emotional and try and fight against my body, I leave the track feeling satisfied that I could help someone else. Giving good advice is the easy part, heeding it is much harder.

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