Thank you to Sophie for sharing her story in part 5 of this series. If you'd like to share your story then copy and paste the questions into an email and send your answers through to me along with a photo of you in your YPH gear.
1. We all know you're a member of the famous York Postal Harriers but away from the club what does your work life look like (or retired or something else entirely)?
Away from the club, my job is as a Head of House at a secondary school supporting young people (and staff!!) with anything from behaviour, mental health, wider family issues to helping kids when they’ve fallen over in mud and ripped their trousers! I spend a lot of time running after kids so do manage to get a lot of training in during school time, unfortunately they’re all faster than me........
2. How has life changed in the last week and how have you been able to adapt your running routines?
I am still working so I am in and out of school but have now found out it is possible to remotely support young people, even when they aren’t able to hunt you down in your office! I feel very privileged to still be able to go to work and try and make a difference. Playing rounders with plastic gloves on is a new one for me but, where there’s a will there’s a way!
3. Is there any support you need that your fellow YPHers could help with. Remember we're observing social distancing so it could be a weekly video call to have a chat or you might need some shopping delivering because you're self isolating.
Just for us to keep in touch over this period. I have met some of the greatest of friends since becoming a Postie and feel so fortunate that I am part of such a brilliant group. Little tasks to keep us occupied like this and the Strava challenge have been great, thank you Simon for being on the ball with these!
Oh, and I’ve been searching for Fast Acting Yeast for a bread-maker for the last week but the stockpilers have rinsed the shelves of it. If anyone has any, I’ll be forever will Elliot as he might go mad if he has to go to another shop to look for some.
4. Are there any skills you've got that could help others at this time. The Council is co-ordinating the volunteering effort so check out if you would like to / are able to offer your support.
If your teenager is driving you up the wall or you want to know how to turn off their internet supply, I’m your woman......
Fortunately I am still fit and well so if anybody needs anything collecting and dropping off from a safe 2 metre distance, I am very happy to do so.
5. In a positive sense, is there anything that the current situation has allowed you to do that you wouldn't have been able to previously? Have you worn a path around your garden yet trying to figure out how many laps you'll need to do to get to 5K?
One thing that has made a huge difference to me over the past few days has been the gift of time. My head is in work from the early hours of the morning and my body until much later than people outside of education would ever imagine so, being able to take a breather and still do my job but, with the ability to go off for a little run or walk in the middle of the day has been much appreciated. Elliot has suggested we go and do some 1km efforts as part of our one exercise a day, I have politely declined as I’m far too busy remotely boll***ing kids.

7. What else would you like to share with your clubmates.
If someone had said to me a year ago that by now I would be part of a running club and casually running a social 10 mile on a Sunday morning, I would have bet my gin cabinet that it wouldn’t have been true. I feel very hopeful that we all come out of this as unscarred as possible, ready to face our next challenges.
PS - more post social run breakfasts please....