In a few words, who turned the taps on?
Yep, in expectation of training in a warm spring sunshine, someone opened the cold water tap. Not that the deluge deterred the 20 strong Harriers.
Andy and Jason led the session. After a warm-up based mainly around the radiator in the Mini Inn, we ran to our spiritual training site, St Peter’s Field. It was good to be back on the naturally formed 600m oval track. I love it. It enables us to train together with huge results.
It was great to welcome new runners and equally to see our legends returning. We ran a pyramid session. It was tough as Andy forgot to tell us it was so, until we had reached the peak, thinking we were done, only to repeat the effort on the downside. Come back Mark, please!
As ever encouragement was rife. It was great to see Helena and Mel tough it out. It was great to see sustained pace from Glynn and Greg. It was great to see Stu return to form. It was great to run through puddles and get down and dirty. Tom arrived late, finished early and headed straight to the bar. Jon R was relentless, digging deep to complete the session. Ben, fresh from his 20:00 ParkRun, floated around the track. Billy’s tan did not streak in the rain. Jason’s hair did not flop in the rain. Andy was confronted by a barking dog. Chris looked strong. Jon was metronomic. Chris G looks younger every week. It was great to see Mark T. He started fast and finished tired. A good effort following 3 weeks on the Red Stripe.
All in all, a good night. Simon was in the bar delivering a wonderful new kit sporting the newly designed YPH logo designed by Jason. It looks fab. If not already, get your order in so we are all look resplendent for the start of the Summer League.
Take care everyone, run happy, be happy.