In a word, hot.
No, not the weather but the performances of the 13 brave and wonderful Harriers. It was a beast of a session in normal weather conditions. But the clammy and muggy Vale of York weather made the session tough. But not tough enough for our girls and boys. Elliott, Sam, Greg and Tom ripped it! We ran a classic pyramid, 2, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2 at 3k, 5K and 10K pace. Wowsers. Elliott’s PB is some 31 minutes for 10K. He ran like the warm desert wind. I was excited watching him. All class. Olly, Gareth, Lee and Kevin ran hard and true. The pride of our club. Billy and Sean lapped round and round, like a record baby.....Others dug deep, sweated bucket loads and made me proud. The banter was aplenty with other runners and pedestrians alike. They all wanted to be part of us. We encouraged. We found the keys to unlock a little bit more. It was a thing of beauty.
Everyone had a little cooler in the bar afterwards. It felt complete. It was YPH.
If you have not made training recently, come on give it a bash. Next week we are running 10 repeats of Windmill Rise. You know it makes sense. Organise your babysitters early. Please come down. The more runners the better the session and to be honest, I’m missing you.
Take care, embrace the heat but keep hydrated and safe. Run happy, be happy.